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  • regivilla3

Why Powers of Attorney are a good idea for any of you with children over age 18.

Hello everyone, I know a lot of you have kids headed to college which is an exciting (and difficult?) time for many. My kids are only in 4th grade and 1st grade respectively so I don't have to deal with that reality for a little while, but for those of you in the thick of it, it's important to make sure the kids have some forms in place before your house gets quiet. This tiktok video pretty much sums up the basics of why Powers of Attorney are a good idea for any of you with children over age 18. I can certainly help if this is something you want to have in place for your children so don't hesitate to ask. Contrary to the advice in the video, I'm not inclined to tell you having a Will for your child is important unless you expect fights over a child's Taylor Swift posters and the like. But, you might suggest to your child that completing a "pay-on-death" form for his or her accounts would make your life much easier in the event of a tragedy. Secondly, you should be aware that paying for your child's education doesn't allow you to know anything about their grades from a legal perspective. Upon reaching age 18, your child's privacy rights supersede your ability to access his or her grades and other information because of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Now, I know that if my kids choose to keep me in the dark about such things, I would probably simply cut off the money spigot until they cried "Mercy!" But, for anyone concerned about this reality, you can learn more about FERPA here and you can download a form for your child to waive his or her FERPA rights here if you're so inclined. That's it for now. I hope you're enjoying some sun as we head into fall because we were all cheated this summer! Take care, Jason Ebert

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